New Network! “Keen & Able”

Keen and Able

“We want to, as a Network, be able to creatively reach out to our wider community and see how God can use us creatively.” Emily

Ben Lees and Emily Spademan launched “Keen and Able” in October, a new Network for people with a creative background.  The group will meet fortnightly on Thursday evenings in people’s homes. They will eat together, study the Bible together and pray.  There will be social events, creative worship and outward-looking events such as open mic nights at a pub.

Having moved to Leeds to be a worship intern at St George’s last year, Ben Lees is now the Worship and Youth Ministry Assistant at church. Emily recently graduated from Leeds College of Music and is back in Leeds after a busy summer working for Soul Survivor in Watford.

Emily adds, reassuringly: “We’re not going to make anyone paint our portrait or sing for us X-Factor style before they join.”

Find out more about Networks at St George’s here.

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