Prayer room in Abbey Grange High School

In the week before Easter we partnered with Leeds Faith in Schools, running a prayer room for interactive prayer lessons. These were powerful lessons where the pupils, from various year groups in the school, were challenged with new ways to communicate with God. We were also constantly challenged by the boldness and honesty of so many of the prayers of praise and petition which were written at the different stations.

Easter at St George’s

As part of the vision of Sharing Life and Loving Leeds God has opened up the door for us to partner with St Augustine’s church, Wrangthorn.

The church is situated on the corner of Hyde Park by the skate park. On March 22nd Bishop James, licensed me as the Priest in Charge there which means that part of my week will now be spent with the people of Wrangthorn. But this partnership is not just about a new role for me. It represents a new venture for us all as we work out what it means to Share Life and Love Leeds.  What role is God calling you to play in this new partnership?  Is it to pray?  Is it to come and worship with the congregation?  Is to join with the congregation in reaching out to the area around the church?   Is it to start a new project in the Hyde Park area?

There are many possibilities and it will be key for us over the next few months to be listening carefully to what God is saying and where he is leading us.     If as you pray about it God gives you a picture or a word about it then do come and share it with me as I’d love to hear it.

As we begin our journey through Holy Week we look with anticipation to celebrating the resurrection and the reality of new life that that brings for us.  It is that resurrection life that we seek to share with one another and with the city of Leeds in which we’ve been placed.

Have a joyful Easter, Joanna

Worship Ministry

Chris: Worship & Creative Communications Pastor
Chris leads the Worship ministry at St G’s. He is Northern Advisor for Worship Central.

Chris with  interns Tim  and Dan, ran a Leeds city wide ‘Worship Central’ course, here at St George’s. The Course focussed on building teams, leading worship, and encountering God. “An invaluable resource for the local Church”

What was the highlight for you?
The biggest highlight was having 8 churches across the city coming together to learn, to worship, to pray and to seek God’s heart for the City. Many new relationships have been built and I’m excited about what this could mean for the Church in Leeds.

Why was the Worship Central course important for our Church?
The course was important to put on for a number of reasons:

  • As a church we are about ‘Sharing Life and Loving Leeds’. We didn’t just want to put it on for ourselves, we wanted to bless the city.
  • The course material is fantastic with a great balance of theology,
    practical development and leadership values. I believe that anyone who goes on the course will be equipped and challenged.
  • I am an advisor for worship central so its a real privilege that we get to be resourced by the guys at HTB who have greater experience and a real passion for Jesus and His Church.

Where did you see God working?
One of the biggest ways we saw God at work was through discussion times after the teaching. It was incredible to see people genuinely grappling with how they can grow as a team in vision, commitment, purity, prayer and practice. (It said a lot that we had to kick people out long after the sessions had finished!) People were really getting, that in the Kingdom, to lead is to serve and I believe the city has a greater amount of servants for Christ as a result.

Find our more about Worship at St George’s here.

Join a Network

In March Network Leaders gathered for a meal to share what God is doing across our Church.

Encouragements were shared of an increasing sense of fellowship within networks. Also, of how people are enjoying the freedom that network events bring to invite friends who don’t know Christ yet. Meals together, trips to the theatre, weekends away, New Year parties and walks are just some of the things that networks have been doing to grow in fellowship, create a place of belonging for people, and do mission.

Hugh and Heather Nelson, our mission partners from Japan, recently visited the UK and a number of different networks were able to host gatherings to welcome them and exchange stories of mission in Japan and in Leeds.

For each network there is the challenge of working out, for their calling in their particular context, what the shape of their network should look like.

How can it be a place where people feel they belong?
Where can they share stories of God at work?
How to care for one another?
How can it be a place of mission that is reaching out to
people around them and providing a place of welcome for all?

The answers to those questions lead us to form networks of many varieties – reflective of the diverse and creative character of the city in which we are called to live and share the life and love of God.

“A network is a place of belonging and the core of discipleship.” Network Leader

Whether we are part of the Explorers or the Farsi network or one based around a particular area of Leeds, we are all seeking to work out what it means to Share Life and Love Leeds. 

Find out more about Networks here.

Women’s Ministry

The Women’s Ministry gathered for the first time back in November for an evening of worship and fellowship.  Since then it has grown and sharing life through different events.

New Wine Women’s Day gathered over 2,000 women in Harrogate for worship and teaching.

“New Wine was a wonderful event. A time to remember that I was a child of God. He was a King who called me friend, he knew me and the path before me. It was so encouraging to worship with hundreds of others and be inspired by those that spoke. Though we had come from many different paths, we were all women of God. That truth in itself was enough to celebrate.” Sara Jackson

“Though we had come from many different paths, we were all women of God.”

“For me, it  was a great opportunity to Worship together with other women, and special because of our like-mindedness as women; there was such a loving atmosphere and sense of oneness. It was great to hear a speaker and news from other parts of the UK and across the world; to have God open our eyes and show us how He is working in people’s lives. Finally, I found it was a place where I could reflect on what God is doing in my life; a place to receive from God – for some that was through prayer ministry, for me, an impromptu prayer from an unknown person sat next to me and through the Worship. Overall the Conference was a great opportunity to be built up and refreshed in the Holy Spirit!” Rosalinde Smith

“…to have God open our eyes and show us how He is working in people’s lives.”



Mums Alpha began in February 2012.
Lisa: Intern
Lisa supports the Youth team and is involved in Pastoral care. She is currently developing the Women’s Ministry.

Why did you decide to run the Course?
This year I’ve had the exciting privilege of serving in the women’s ministry at St George’s. The idea for Mums’ Alpha came about when a mum from our existing toddler group ‘Play and Pray’ suggested the course, as a great way for mums to explore the Christian faith further. Mums’ Alpha seeks to provide a chance for mums to take some time for themselves each week to explore faith, discuss life and have a chat! Every week there are home-baked cakes, refreshments and a crèche for the children.

How do you see it impacting the church and Leeds?
Mums’ Alpha seeks to build up a sense of community. Each week we have been watching a talk on a different aspect of the Christian faith and have then spent time discussing our own questions and experiences. This ties directly into the Sharing Life side of the St George’s vision. Also for this course, as with our other Alpha Course, we have the privilege of partnering with Gateway Church. This partnership is very special and continues to grow. Churches working together are a major passion of mine, so it is such a pleasure to be a part of something that unites churches across the city of Leeds.

What does the future hold?
I hope that as the course develops we will continue to build up the community and sense of openness that is growing. The Alpha Course is a journey, and I hope that over the remaining weeks we can seek to discover more about God, the Christian faith and ourselves.


Ladies Pamper Evening
Sat 21 April // 7.30 – 9.30pm
Church Centre

Women’s Weekend Away
15 – 17 June 2012 // Jonas Centre, Wensleydale
More info to follow through networks

To find out more about Women’s Ministry at St George’s click here.

April/12: Mission Partners

Sarah Jeffery: Middle East

She is working in a Middle Eastern country as a Primary School teacher. Her pupils are the children of various aid workers.  She is just emerging from an extremely cold winter with night temperatures of minus 23 degrees, and no running water for her house or school for two months.

She is happy, fulfilled and enjoying her life but admits to being lonely at times with very few people to chill with.

Pray for her, drop her a line (or send her some chocolate!)
Contact for her address.

Chip and Diane Cowles: Newcastle

They are working for ‘Agape’ in Newcastle. They have had time out from their international commitments which has meant less travelling and more time with their two daughters. It has been a great time for the family. They are now involved with Story Telling as an effective means of reaching people who may be illiterate or just don’t read. They are training Agape staff in this way of communicating the gospel, and are excited by it.

They are also trying to negotiate a less hectic life-style with the Agape chiefs so that they can focus on family and the commitments they have in evangelising and building up Christians where they live.

Pray for them.

Find out more about Mission Partners here.

April/12: Pray For


For us as a Church to get our focus in the right place during Holy Week and Easter celebrations.

For Janet Gibson to recover her strength.


PCC for 6 new members. Also pray for our Annual Church Meeting on the April 25th.

For Joanna as she leads Wrangthorn PCC, and begins to plan a strategy to move forward.


Wrangthorn needs a new heating system. Pray for God’s provision in finance.

We are advertising for a full time Youth Pastor to lead our Youth team, as Jon Swales moves over to run Alpha.


Olympics Holiday Club to be fun and fruitful. Pray that children and parents come to know Jesus.

April/12: Thank you

Answers to prayer:

1. Wrangthorn
… Joanna is now Priest-in-charge.

2. Potential Interns
… a great group of people offering as Interns for next year.

3. God’s amazing financial provision
… figures show that in 2011 we achieved a balanced budget because of the increase in giving.
… so far we have pledged an extra £41k for 2012!

4. Worship Ministry
… the Worship Central course involved 7 Churches across Leeds and great relationship were built.