Roots: “I want to jump into the swimming pool”

“I don’t just want to dip my toe in, I really want to jump in.”

And then we prayed.  That this young lad would have the courage to jump in to the swimming pool, not of water, but of faith.   Now this lad has read the whole of the Old Testament in 3 weeks.

“The bible is the most addictive book I’ve ever read”

It’s not often you hear a phrase like that, especially from an eleven-year-old, not the same chap as before, but another of our great and beloved young people.

“The moment you started praying for me, I just felt really cold and peaceful.”

What power the Holy Spirit can have when a young life encounter Him for the first time.

Three short snippets from an amazing youth alpha course we’ve been running at St George’s Church, Leeds.  Each week we’ve gathered to eat pud, mess around, hear some great speakers and engage in discussion about matter of life and faith.  It’s been fantastic!  Each week we seem to have a new story, or some great encouragement to share as a team.

And the honesty of our young people has been mind blowing and refreshing.  So often it is the correct JesusGodTheBible answers that are given.  But in the safe space of discussion groups and the promise that there is no silly, stupid, right or wrong answer, what the young people really think comes out.  And from time to time the honour of praying for some of them presents itself, and things really kick off.

This has really been the thing about running this course that has struck me.  If we give our young people the space and time and promise then their true thoughts come out, and we can minister to them where they are really at, not where they appear to be at.  Quite often two very different places.


By Chris Balding

For more info on Roots click here

He is Risen!

In this Easter season let us continue to reflect upon and celebrate the fact that Jesus, who died on a cross for our sins, was also raised from the dead. Jesus is Alive! The resurrection, this turning point in history, not only demonstrates the power of God and the identity of Jesus but also shows us that God passionately cares about this world of his. God has not abandoned us or his creation but the risen Jesus, whose body was transformed, rules over this beautiful but broken world offering real hope, tangible joy, transformation and redemption for all of creation. Our response to this, as our recent sermons have pointed out, is to move out in mission inspired with hope and joy as followers of the risen King.

As a church we share in his risen life through our networks and through his resurrection we move out in mission to love the city of Leeds.

One of the joys of my past year has been through being involved in our bi-weekly ‘Bridge Cafe’. Through the simple acts of serving tea and coffee, chatting, listening and praying for people we have seen many become exposed to the hopeful and joyful message of Jesus.  It was amazing to observe that a number of people who came to this year’s Alpha Course were those who were first introduced to the church and the message of Jesus  through the offer of a hot cup of coffee and a smile from the ‘Bridge Cafe’. If you feel that you would like to become part of the team and serve in this way then do email

Another aspect of mission which we, as a church, are involved in is our children’s and schools’ work. We have so far been into several schools around Leeds, taught dozens of lessons and have ran youth group. We are privileged to have been given the opportunity to host a 6th form conference later this year. Our 2012 Easter week Holiday Bible Club, entitled “Champions”, saw approximately 60 children between the ages of 2-11 join us for three days of fun with a sporty-olympic theme. The children learned that Jesus is the champion over nature, over sin and over death. Not only was it great fun (we even had a bouncy castle in church),  but several children attended whose families do not currently attend church. Many thanks again to all those involved in the preparation and delivery of this popular event.

God is on the move and he is on a mission to redeem and restore his creation. Let us continue to pray that by God’s spirit we will be a community who join him, with hope and joy,  in his mission in ‘sharing life and loving leeds’.

Jon Swales


Student, Ruth Zealey shares stories from the network.
“…breathe* has been an essential element of my faith.”

Breathe* is the network for students at St. George’s. We meet every Thursday night during term-time and on Sundays before the 7.30 service we meet for a meal together. However most of our deeper philosophical conversations emerge at the pub.

This year has been great for breathe* as we welcomed Dan Tyler as our new student pastor. In January we each attempted to pack as much knitwear as possible into backpacks and headed up to Scotland for our weekend away. It was a great weekend with inspiring talks from Peter Dray, seminars, quizzes, walks and the invention of a new game (catchy-catchy-what-the-catch).  It provided a well needed break from lectures and deadlines, the chance to deepen friendships and reassess the way we are in relation with God.

Personally, breathe* has been an essential element of my faith this year. I became a Christian last summer and I was feeling pretty daunted about having to completely change my life in Leeds. At breathe* I found such an incredible group of inspirational Christians; I felt instantly accepted and really appreciated how much encouragement and advice I received from them. It’s a constant stream of support throughout the unpredictability of life.

It’s a busy time for all of our students at the moment, please be praying over the next few weeks for those with exams and deadlines. Pray for those graduating this year, that God would put them in the best place and that none would be worried about their futures. Pray also for those moving to Leeds for the first time in September.



Summer Ball: An Evening in Paris
Friday 25 May // 7.30-11pm
Dinner provided // bring your own drinks
Dress code: Formal
£10 a ticket
In Church



Find more info on the beathe* network here.

Local Mission

…I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink…The King will reply “I tell you the truth whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me”.
Matthew 25

Elaine: Community Mission & Outreach Intern She leads Bridge Cafe; is part of the Alpha leadership team; and pastoral support through community events.

Why are you involved in the Bridge Cafe?
I first got involved during Community Week a few years ago and just loved the atmosphere, the chances to share my faith, the amazing opportunities to pray with people and to generally serve and bless others. Also as a Geography graduate I just love being outside, being out and about! I love meeting new people too.

What has been the highlight?
During Community week we ran Bridge Cafe for 3 consecutive days and I had the real privilege to chat and pray with a lady, who had a dying relative in the hospital. She then brought another relative along to the Cafe and I prayed with them too each day. God really worked some miracles that week and in that situation, bringing an amazing sense of peace and knowledge of Him. For many people with sick relatives in the hospital, Bridge Cafe has provided a safe and ‘warm’ place for them to take a breather and share their burdens if they want to.

“…we know that Jesus is with us when we step out in faith… The Holy Spirit guides and leads us and we do it all in the strength that Jesus gives us.”

Where have you seen God at work?
Something that amazes me about Bridge Cafe is the amount of fruit we are seeing produced in so many different ways from quite a simple initiative. We are seeing people come along to events like Gospel Unplugged, the Alpha Course and in time coming to faith and having that sense of belonging to the Church. Practically, socially and spiritually God has been using us.

“…it’s our job to ask for the Holy Spirit
to give us the words to speak Life into people’s lives.”

What does ‘sharing life, loving Leeds’ mean to you?
Sharing Life, Loving Leeds I feel is really strongly portrayed in what we do on the Bridge. One of the beautiful things about where we set up the cafe, is the vast range of people we see coming along – hospital patients/visitors, residents, business people, students, the homeless and more. Conversational Sharing of how people’s days are going, what they’re up to, naturally takes place and an important part of our role on team is to listen. Often people open up and want to share things with us and it’s our job to ask for the Holy Spirit to give us the words to say to speak Life into people’s lives, to point them to the One who loves and cares for them. We try to share the Love of Jesus with those people we meet in the city centre community of Leeds, whether it’s through blessing them with a free hot drink, through lending a loving ear, speaking the truth and love of the gospel to others, inviting them to an event or praying alongside people.

“…we should all should ‘go’ and be ready to share the good news.”

Is community mission for everyone?
Jesus at the end of Mark’s gospel says, ‘Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation’ (Mark 16:15). I believe we should all should ‘go’ and be ready to share the good news with those who wouldn’t necessarily come to church. It’s amazing how just by being individuals and part of the local community; we can do that in often a more
informal, conversational way. Being part of the Church, the bride of Christ, we also have that authority and commission to share the good news and we know that Jesus is with us when we step out in faith. To those who aren’t sure, I’d say just give it a go! The Holy Spirit guides and leads us and we do it all in the strength that Jesus gives us, not our own.  Even by serving someone a free drink, there is a spiritual fulfilment there related to Matthew 25 ‘… I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink…The King will reply “I tell you the truth whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me”.’

Find more info on Local Mission at St George’s here.


During Holy Week children 0-11’s and parents, encountered Jesus through the ‘Champions Holiday Club’ and were meeting together in ‘Pray & Play’.


“A fantastic time for all! Great craft ideas, lots of variety, enough snacks for an army and now my daughter’s wandering round the house chanting ‘We’re team Jesus, you and me, Go…Jesus!’ Huge variety of activities every morning, different rooms meant a change of scene for the children and all the team members were extremely welcoming. Praise the Lord!” Kat

“Holiday Club is just wonderful! The children love it and came home really excited and I am able to have a break with a coffee and cake and chat to other Mums! Everyone is so kind and caring. Thank you all so much!” Sue

5-11’s CLUB

“Our 5 year old grandson had a great time winning medals and learning a lot at the 2012 St Georges Holiday Club and his little sister also had fun at the pre school section. The children and leaders gave him a warm welcome as he does not normally come to church here in Leeds. We certainly will bring our grandchildren again in the future.” Angela


Find more info on Childrens Networks here.

May/12: Thank you

Answers to prayer:

1. Easter services
… lots of people came to the services to celebrate
and it felt alive!

2. Holiday club
… lots of children and parents heard the gospel.
… we are blessed with such a had working and
committed children’s team.

3. Finances
… there’s been a huge increase in giving and we’ve
balanced the books for 2011.

4. Farsi Network
… there has been significant growth in the network recently.

May/12: Pray For


Students sitting exams. Pray that they wouldn’t get too stressed and that they’d be motivated to do their best in everything God puts before them.
Janet, Kim, Jenny on the staff team, for their health and fast recovery.


New Farsi Network leadership structure that it works well.
Couples on the Marriage Preparation course that they will strengthen their relationships with God as they prepare for marriage.


For staff to resist getting too busy, and use the gifts of volunteers more and for new volunteers to step forward.
New staff to step forward for roles of Admin Assistant and Caretaker.


Wisdom for the 7.30pm team as we review the service and students ministry.
Church family weddings this summer, pray for those planning and preparing.

May/12: Mission Partners

Charles and Jocelyn Montagu: Loughborough

Along with their children Edward, Emily and Robert, the Montagu’s are working with Arab World Ministries. Charles will be retiring in a few years and needs time to reflect on how those years should be spent in the Lord’s service.

Pray that he and his family may discern God’s will.
Also Pray for God to open the eyes and hearts of those in North Africa and the Middle East who have begun to ask questions about the Christian faith.


Pray for Israel/Palestine:

“To Him who created the universe and who chose to reveal Himself through the people of Israel; to Him who created mankind and who chose to reveal Himself by being born in humility in Bethlehem; we pray for the people of Israel and Palestine.

We pray that people on both sides may understand the pain and the fear felt by the other that each may see the image of God in one another; and that each may be driven by a desire for justice and peace.

We ask this in the name of Him who died and rose again in the city of Jerusalem.”