“He can and does intervene when we cry out to Him.”

Hannah SHannah, Wrangthorn Ministry Assistant and part of the young adult community here at St George’s, shares her story about the recent weekend away with Transit, Salt and Keen & Able Networks.

I work at Wrangthorn, so it’s not often that I get chance to spend time with lots of Christians of my own age. I love the variety of people of different of ages and life stages that I get to interact with day to day, but there was something particularly special about going away with this group of young adults.

Although I’m only loosely connected to the St George’s Networks, I felt fully part of the family and it was wonderful to see community working really well. When the reality is that very few churches have such an abundance of young people, I was reminded again of the value of these relationships which we can so often take for granted. This young adult community and church more broadly is not about us existing in a Christian bubble for our own sake. From this place we’re enabled to bless those around us. We were encouraged to use these relationships as a springboard into mission and living for Jesus, when we’re together and when we’re dispersed.

Where did you see God at work? The weekend gave me a reminder of God’s love for me, and of His grace. We’re broken people muddling along the best we can, with an incredible God who takes what we offer and does with it more than we could ever imagine. I prayed again for healing from the ‘disequilibrium’ that’s been a problem since a head injury last year, and experienced what felt like a real breakthrough; I was able to stand steadily with a completely clear head and focus on worshipping God, and climb the steps to my cabin without any problem! This is a reminder that He can and does intervene when we cry out to Him.

What can St G’s pray for our young adults? It was great to be part of a community for a weekend worshipping God and refocusing on Him; retreating from the busyness of life but not disengaged from the world outside. We were receiving from God in order to be better equipped at living for Jesus every day, and I’m incredibly grateful for this group of young adults. My prayer for myself and all of us is that we’d be ready and willing to be used by God in whatever He may ask of us, supported by each other with our eyes fixed on God and His Kingdom.

Salt Network Sunday

Network Leader, Beth Lingard shares the latest stories from Salt.

What did Salt get up to for Network Sunday? We decided to go for a nice relaxing walk on the Meanwood Valley trail in the sunshine, before sharing a meal together at our house.

How is your Network equipping you for your walk with Jesus? Salt’s vision is to be missional in our day to day lives and glorify God in the usual. Our small groups are a really key part of this, and over the last 9 months or so we have really been becoming a community who support and challenge. It’s really encouraging to get together, look at the Bible and pray for each other. My small group are also trying to spend 5 minutes listening to God every day.

Can you tell us a story of God changing lives in and around Salt? I think God is stirring up passion about living for his glory, and working out what this means in a practical way. It is really exciting to see people in the Network getting exited to share life and love Leeds in new ways.

What can StG’s pray for Salt? We would love to have more experience of evangelism with our friends and for more people to meet with Jesus through our Network.

Find out more about Networks and how to Get Connected here.



Two of our young adult Networks, Transit and Salt, spent a weekend in the dales away from the business of life in the city to deepen relationships with each other and with God. They had 2 nights at the Jonas Centre in Wensleydale with great food, talks from Jimmy Lawrence and time to rest.  A few members of the Networks share with us:

@BethLingard: Young adult weekend away, like a student weekend away but everyone goes to bed earlier… #adultsbetired#bestweekendawayever


Chris, Transit Network Leader

“I loved engaging desperation with dependence, wretchedness with worship, and confusion with courage. I love the way Jesus meets us in our wretchedness and offers us His grace to sustain us.”

I’ve been reflecting on the #‎bestweekendawayever and all that God did and is doing with the communities of Salt and Transit. I loved engaging in incredible liturgy and raising the roof with some new prophetic songs. I loved looking at how one of the heroes of the Old Testament, King David, can teach us about our stories. I loved engaging desperation with dependence, wretchedness with worship, and confusion with courage through the Word that Jimmy Lawrence brought to us. I loved coming as the people of God to commune with Him and one another, starting and finishing the day with prayer. I loved eating some incredible food; thank you to Alex and Elly Woodhead who lovingly worked hard to prepare it for us. I loved seeing some of the amazing artwork made during the creative prayer and worship seminar. I loved digging into the theology of rest.

I loved the food, both the quality and amount of it! But also it was amazing to see the true servant heart of those in our Network who were so willing to help out, support one another, and live like a real community gelled together by Gods love and grace.#bestweekendawayever

“God really does come and do special things with His people when they make space for him.”

I love the way Jesus meets us in our wretchedness and offers us His grace to sustain us. We do not advance with a plan, but with a person and His name is Jesus. God really does come and do special things with His people when they make space for him.


 @Jimmy_Lawrence2: Have loved preaching at the #bestweekendawayever incredible community, awesome surroundings great leadership from @ChrisBalding

Jon, Network Member

Although I have been coming to St George’s for about a year it is only recently that I have been involved in Networks, so the weekend was also a good chance to get to know people.

“The big lesson I learnt was from Psalm 27; to be aware of the difficulties and struggles of life but to look away from these and find strength and blessing from God.”

Throughout the weekend we had the privilege of insightful talks from Jimmy Lawrence, focussing on aspects of the life of King David. The big lesson I learnt was from Psalm 27; to be aware of the difficulties and struggles of life but to look away from these and find strength and blessing from God. This was particularly relevant as I have recently found myself grappling with multiple problems without getting these into perspective.

A weekend away from the usual stresses and distractions was much needed and to have the opportunity to understand more of the Bible. It was great to get to know others over excellent food, as well as sharing life by the fire on the Saturday evening.



I loved standing round the fire, with a glass of wine, looking at all the huddles of conversation going on. New friends being made, old friends deepened, building a community.#bestweekendawayever

Abi, Network Member

“The weekend getaway was a great way to start feeling like a real member of the church. This weekend was a true testament of the word ‘community’.”

As a new person at St George’s the weekend getaway with the Salt and Transit Networks was a great way to start feeling like a real member of the church. This weekend was a true testament of the word ‘community’. People in these Networks truly care for each other and welcome newcomers with open arms. I was moved by how accepting everyone was and loved the opportunity to have real, open and honest discussions with individuals and also have a bit of fun as well!

The teaching and worship were truly amazing, and gave space to evaluate the relationship we have with Jesus and shared wisdom on how this relationship can grow and be strengthened. I personally found this influenced the way I choose to live my life and I have already begun to implement changes.

“I had an amazing time and although feeling physically exhausted by the end, I was spiritually refreshed and emotionally revived.”

The worship experienced on the weekend was phenomenal; it is a joy to worship alongside others who are passionate about Jesus. The whole weekend demonstrated the love Jesus has for his people and it was evident he was there guiding us. I had an amazing time and although feeling physically exhausted by the end, I was spiritually refreshed and emotionally revived.

Connect to a Network here.


“Community at it’s best.  All hands on deck to peel the spuds!”


New Network: Salt

“We’re a group of young adults who want to share God’s love through building community and being salt and light in our everyday lives.”


Beth Lingard and Alice Simpson have just spent the last year as interns at St G’s and are now living in Leeds finding jobs and becoming new Network leaders. Alice shares with us a bit about the vision of ‘Salt’.

How did you become a Christian? I think I could say that I’ve always called myself a Christian, I grew up in church and always knew that God loved me and Jesus died for me. But I think it was coming to university that really forced me to make a decision about whether ‘being a Christian’ was actually going to impact the way I lived.

Why did you want to set up a new Network? Our vision for Salt is that it will be a place of real community where people are supported and challenged and that out of this will come a boldness to live distinctively (as salt and light) and to be deliberate in the way we spread the knowledge of Jesus amongst our friends.

What can St G’s pray for Salt? We’re really new! So we’d value your prayers as we get to know each other and go from being a chaotic group of people to a supportive community. I’m full of faith to see God bring us together as a group and grow us in faith and numbers as we step out and become invitational. 

Email Alice or Beth to find our more about Salt Network and how to join.