“He can and does intervene when we cry out to Him.”

Hannah SHannah, Wrangthorn Ministry Assistant and part of the young adult community here at St George’s, shares her story about the recent weekend away with Transit, Salt and Keen & Able Networks.

I work at Wrangthorn, so it’s not often that I get chance to spend time with lots of Christians of my own age. I love the variety of people of different of ages and life stages that I get to interact with day to day, but there was something particularly special about going away with this group of young adults.

Although I’m only loosely connected to the St George’s Networks, I felt fully part of the family and it was wonderful to see community working really well. When the reality is that very few churches have such an abundance of young people, I was reminded again of the value of these relationships which we can so often take for granted. This young adult community and church more broadly is not about us existing in a Christian bubble for our own sake. From this place we’re enabled to bless those around us. We were encouraged to use these relationships as a springboard into mission and living for Jesus, when we’re together and when we’re dispersed.

Where did you see God at work? The weekend gave me a reminder of God’s love for me, and of His grace. We’re broken people muddling along the best we can, with an incredible God who takes what we offer and does with it more than we could ever imagine. I prayed again for healing from the ‘disequilibrium’ that’s been a problem since a head injury last year, and experienced what felt like a real breakthrough; I was able to stand steadily with a completely clear head and focus on worshipping God, and climb the steps to my cabin without any problem! This is a reminder that He can and does intervene when we cry out to Him.

What can St G’s pray for our young adults? It was great to be part of a community for a weekend worshipping God and refocusing on Him; retreating from the busyness of life but not disengaged from the world outside. We were receiving from God in order to be better equipped at living for Jesus every day, and I’m incredibly grateful for this group of young adults. My prayer for myself and all of us is that we’d be ready and willing to be used by God in whatever He may ask of us, supported by each other with our eyes fixed on God and His Kingdom.

“…through Jesus Christ we can be.”

MarkHWe find ourselves in the middle of Lent, a time of waiting and reflection looking towards the Victory of God achieved in Jesus Christ. The 10:30 gathering continues to look at ‘Dust’, exploring our human frailty and need for God, whilst the 18:30 gathering looks at ‘Holy Yours’, exploring our call to holy living in 1 Corinthians. We wait, acknowledging that we are not all we should be but through Jesus Christ we can be.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”  John 16:33

Jesus has overcome the world; all of it! He can transform lives and we have heard and seen the stories of it in the 16 people that were baptised on 8th March. We just need to believe in Him. But he does not say that we will be without trouble as this life will have its challenges.

From 29th April, Kathryn (my wife) and I will be running The Marriage Course; 7 dates for married couples wishing to build a strong, lasting relationship. Marriage has its challenges but as part of God’s plan for life on earth, it is important that we support it and help married couples be all they can be for the good of the whole community. If you are married yourself, come on the course to improve your marriage or invite married friends along. It is by no means only for Christians.

I had the privilege, along with other leaders, of going away with 10 children from the Children’s ministry to Marrick Priory earlier in February. You can read about all that they got up to along with the student weekend in  this month’s St G’s LIFE. God is at work in every part of our church.


Explorers: Weekend Away

JenniJenni Merrett, our Children’s team Intern, shares about their recent weekend away.

February, a group of 10 boys aged 7-11 from our Children’s Network, Explorers, spent the weekend at Marrick Priory for the first ever Kids Weekend Away!

It was a weekend full of outdoor activities, climbing, archery and orienteering, to name just a few, as well as learning about Jesus and enjoying time together as a community. The weekend was very loud; the staff said we made more noise than their groups of 40! It was very energetic and lots of fun.

It was fantastic to see the boys challenging themselves and joining in with activities that, at first glance, they had said they wouldn’t be able to do. They discovered new talents and new levels of bravery and perseverance.  It was also such a privilege to be a part of conversations with the boys, as they thought through what it means to them that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Even at such a young age, the boys have an incredible faith and connection to God, and He is very much at work in their lives.


The weekend was also a great opportunity to grow friendships. Alex, one of the leaders on our Children’s Team, said:

“Not only was it a blessing to see the work the God is doing in the kids, but it was also fantastic seeing them surpass all expectations in sharing life as a community.”

The boys came together as a group in a big way, and there was a real spirit of fellowship that built up across the weekend.

“I feel closer to God.”

“I loved staying up really late and, and the archery!”


Pray for the children to grow in their relationship with God, and to develop as disciples of Jesus, confident in who God is and who He has made them to be. The children of our church come from all over Leeds and most don’t go to the same schools, so please pray for a stronger sense of community amongst the children. Pray also that more people join the Children’s Team, especially men!

The number of children coming to church has doubled over the last year; in order to ensure every child is welcomed and supported, we need more people to get involved with this ministry.

If you would like to be a part of the Children’s Team, please contact: children@stgeorgesleeds.org.uk

Roots Weekend Away 2015

10385549_387173714777235_6842169974043896438_n Roots, our 11-18s Network, spent a weekend away together in January. 33 young people went to the Emmaus Centre in Scarborough for time to grow as a community and grow in their relationship with Jesus.

“It was amazing; really fun!”

What is the best part of being a leader for these young people?
The best part about being a leader for these young people is seeing them grow into the men and women God created them to be. When you get a glimpse of them understanding their true identity it is so exciting. It is also really fun; you can’t hang out with a bunch of young people and take yourself too seriously! They are an incredible group of young people and I love them. It’s the greatest privilege and joy.

“The weekend was an amazing place to have open chats; I feel like a weight has been lifted.”


“My highlight was ‘God on the beach’; we can meet Jesus in different places!”


“Good to spend time mixing fun activities and gospel teaching away from home and church.  It’s really important to meet God in different contexts, like ‘God on the beach’.”


What was your highlight? There are so many. One was seeing some of the older Roots members get alongside and support the younger youth. Seeing young people share in communion together was wonderful and it is always a highlight when you see young people meeting with Jesus by His Spirit.

“I really met with God in the talks.”


“God spoke through prophetic words.”


“God exceeded my expectations.”

What did you see God doing? I saw God drawing a community of young people together who will be able to encourage each other in their walks with Jesus; I saw a new hunger from the young people to know what it means to follow Jesus in their schools.  I also saw young people set free through the power of the word and the spirit.

“I’ve found more opportunities to talk about going to church with friends!”


“We have created a group chat on Facebook which has been really helpful and encouraged me to be a Christian at school, knowing we are supporting each other.”

I see God building a strong community of young people and placing in them a desire to show Jesus to those around them. It is so exciting to watch God transform young people’s lives.

What can St G’s pray for Roots? Please pray for protection, for confidence in who God is, their identity and their calling, for strengthening of relationships.

Like Roots on Facebook
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“Extra Time” in Lakeland

50+ edited‘Extra Time’ Network, formerly known as 50+, enjoyed a wonderful weekend away.

“I enjoyed chatting with those I have known over many years.”

For five days at the beginning of September, forty members of the Extra Time Network stayed at Rydal Hall, the Diocesan conference centre near Ambleside.

“It fed my soul to be in such beautiful surroundings.”

“It was a joy to relax and chat with people in such beautiful surroundings”

Beautifully positioned for walking, sailing on the lake or just relaxing in nearby Grasmere, Windermere or Keswick, the centre offered a perfect place for our time together. With daily activities of different grades there was something for everyone.

“It was good to share our journeys, difficulties and differences with those of our own age group.”

We met together at the start of the day and after evening dinner to be given the challenge about using our time for God as we get older.  Bob Powley and Joanna Seabourne led these sessions.



“We were blessed with excellent weather and fellowship throughout the whole week.”


Find out more about Networks at St George’s here.


Two of our young adult Networks, Transit and Salt, spent a weekend in the dales away from the business of life in the city to deepen relationships with each other and with God. They had 2 nights at the Jonas Centre in Wensleydale with great food, talks from Jimmy Lawrence and time to rest.  A few members of the Networks share with us:

@BethLingard: Young adult weekend away, like a student weekend away but everyone goes to bed earlier… #adultsbetired#bestweekendawayever


Chris, Transit Network Leader

“I loved engaging desperation with dependence, wretchedness with worship, and confusion with courage. I love the way Jesus meets us in our wretchedness and offers us His grace to sustain us.”

I’ve been reflecting on the #‎bestweekendawayever and all that God did and is doing with the communities of Salt and Transit. I loved engaging in incredible liturgy and raising the roof with some new prophetic songs. I loved looking at how one of the heroes of the Old Testament, King David, can teach us about our stories. I loved engaging desperation with dependence, wretchedness with worship, and confusion with courage through the Word that Jimmy Lawrence brought to us. I loved coming as the people of God to commune with Him and one another, starting and finishing the day with prayer. I loved eating some incredible food; thank you to Alex and Elly Woodhead who lovingly worked hard to prepare it for us. I loved seeing some of the amazing artwork made during the creative prayer and worship seminar. I loved digging into the theology of rest.

I loved the food, both the quality and amount of it! But also it was amazing to see the true servant heart of those in our Network who were so willing to help out, support one another, and live like a real community gelled together by Gods love and grace.#bestweekendawayever

“God really does come and do special things with His people when they make space for him.”

I love the way Jesus meets us in our wretchedness and offers us His grace to sustain us. We do not advance with a plan, but with a person and His name is Jesus. God really does come and do special things with His people when they make space for him.


 @Jimmy_Lawrence2: Have loved preaching at the #bestweekendawayever incredible community, awesome surroundings great leadership from @ChrisBalding

Jon, Network Member

Although I have been coming to St George’s for about a year it is only recently that I have been involved in Networks, so the weekend was also a good chance to get to know people.

“The big lesson I learnt was from Psalm 27; to be aware of the difficulties and struggles of life but to look away from these and find strength and blessing from God.”

Throughout the weekend we had the privilege of insightful talks from Jimmy Lawrence, focussing on aspects of the life of King David. The big lesson I learnt was from Psalm 27; to be aware of the difficulties and struggles of life but to look away from these and find strength and blessing from God. This was particularly relevant as I have recently found myself grappling with multiple problems without getting these into perspective.

A weekend away from the usual stresses and distractions was much needed and to have the opportunity to understand more of the Bible. It was great to get to know others over excellent food, as well as sharing life by the fire on the Saturday evening.



I loved standing round the fire, with a glass of wine, looking at all the huddles of conversation going on. New friends being made, old friends deepened, building a community.#bestweekendawayever

Abi, Network Member

“The weekend getaway was a great way to start feeling like a real member of the church. This weekend was a true testament of the word ‘community’.”

As a new person at St George’s the weekend getaway with the Salt and Transit Networks was a great way to start feeling like a real member of the church. This weekend was a true testament of the word ‘community’. People in these Networks truly care for each other and welcome newcomers with open arms. I was moved by how accepting everyone was and loved the opportunity to have real, open and honest discussions with individuals and also have a bit of fun as well!

The teaching and worship were truly amazing, and gave space to evaluate the relationship we have with Jesus and shared wisdom on how this relationship can grow and be strengthened. I personally found this influenced the way I choose to live my life and I have already begun to implement changes.

“I had an amazing time and although feeling physically exhausted by the end, I was spiritually refreshed and emotionally revived.”

The worship experienced on the weekend was phenomenal; it is a joy to worship alongside others who are passionate about Jesus. The whole weekend demonstrated the love Jesus has for his people and it was evident he was there guiding us. I had an amazing time and although feeling physically exhausted by the end, I was spiritually refreshed and emotionally revived.

Connect to a Network here.


“Community at it’s best.  All hands on deck to peel the spuds!”


Student Networks: Reaching Out & Retreat

Dave, Rachel and Cecilia, serving as interns on the Students’ team this year share stories of God at work through our Networks. Juliet and Kirsten, two students, also share stories of God at work in their lives and through the student community.

“Students are living for Jesus on campus, on their courses and in their accommodation.”

dave casey[Dave] Working with the students at St G’s is such an immense privilege; they are a great bunch and certainly keep my work interesting! They think they are just normal, everyday people muddling through, but God uses them so greatly right where they are; seeing him move amongst them is endlessly encouraging.

How are students reaching out? [Dave] It’s great to see students setting up CUs in the Art College and College of Music, running associated alpha courses and giving individuals the opportunity to wrestle with the questions surrounding Christianity. Students are living for Jesus on campus, on their courses and in their accommodation.

[Juliet] CU events week is a period of intensive mission on campus. One thing that really stood out to me this year was the sense of a deep, loving community in the Morning Prayer meetings that went beyond people just ‘getting along with each other’. This meant that the tent we used during the day was a place of open community; we were joined by around 20 Muslims from the ‘Discover Islam Week’ events.  This was where people joined in and built new friendships.

[Juliet] Thursday evening stood out to me as well, and not just because the St G’s Students’ team cooked us a great meal! One particular girl, who had never been to church before, had come along to a previous night and decided that she loved it so much that she brought 12 other people with her that night. My housemate also came to this night and as a result she said she wants to get to know Jesus and begin to trust him. None of this could have happened without St G’s serving us; whether that be through food; sharing wisdom or letting us use their music equipment at the last minute.

rachel walleyWhat has God been doing in Central Network? [Rachel] God is bringing students together to become one community that encourages each other; He has blessed us to be able to support each other through our times at university, with all of the struggles that life brings. We have a real mix of students from all the different colleges around Leeds. Some students also coming to St G’s for the first time this year, and it’s been really exciting to welcome them and bond as a community.

[Rachel] God has been blessing the various CUs in Leeds through Central Network. We’ve been able to prayerfully support them, especially Leeds College of Art which was recently set up by a couple of students from our Network and recently got official recognition by the Student Union.

Lucy Freeman tweeted; ‘Leeds College of art CU is now official! And we’re a little bit excited! This year is going to be awesome.’

[Rachel] We’ve also been able to support CUs by attending events as a Network, including the Leeds University events week.


Cecilia sunTell us about the weekend away… [Cecilia] The Student weekend away in The Jonas Centre, Wensleydale refreshed and energized me massively through the talks on the book of Revelation, sung worship and bible studies. Spending time alone with God, away from the crowds, provided a great opportunity to just listen to Him and enjoy his presence.

[Kirsten] Dan Tyler delivered 4 talks looking at the book of Revelation, helping us to understand the true meaning of the scriptures and the significance they have in our lives because of the hope that Jesus brings. The talks revealed that by looking at the bigger picture of the scriptures, God gives us a promised blessing.

“Throughout the weekend we were constantly reminded of how big and great God is beyond our comprehension.”

[Kirsten] On Saturday 4 different seminar options were available, helping us to grow deeper and further in our relationship with God. In the afternoon we took the opportunity to explore God’s wonderfully made creation together as we took time out from city life in Leeds and went for a countryside walk in the Dales. Throughout the weekend we were constantly reminded of how big and great God is beyond our comprehension.

What were the highlights? [Kirsten] On Sunday afternoon we spent time in deep worship together, singing praises of His greatness before gathering in small groups to pray and prophesy over each other in a powerful way, listening to what God wanted to say to us. After an amazing weekend together we are feeling refreshed and ready to serve our amazing God.

“After an amazing weekend together we are feeling refreshed and ready to serve our amazing God.”


Where was God at work? [Cecilia] It was the first time for some international students, who are seeking God, to experience a Christian retreat. I strongly felt God called them to be there and opened their hearts. We were all so willing to share the amazing work God has been doing in our lives as Christians and were able to talk honestly, encouraging each other to learn more about Jesus.

“Seeing God at work was such an encouragement to me and strengthened my faith in serving Him.”

[Cecilia] We prayed for each other about worries and concerns that we were carrying. One girl said: “I felt God answer my prayer, he helped me clean out all the worries in my head and I felt so relieved.” Another student told me she felt a seed of the Holy Spirit had been planted in her heart during the weekend. Seeing God at work was such an encouragement to me and strengthened my faith in serving Him.

What can StG’s pray? [Kirsten] It would be great if the family of St G’s could pray for the students this month, that we use our time well and become active disciples of Jesus in Leeds, with a close and personal relationship with Him.

[Juliet] There are so many stories of God at work within our student community. Please pray that our conversations, prayers and bible studies with our friends begin to move them from intrigue to falling in love with the person of Jesus.

Find out more about Students at StG’s on our website or follow us on twitter.

Meet the Interns: Matt

matt malone

Matt Malone: Youth Intern

Tell us a bit about yourself
I grew up in London and came to Leeds in 2011 to start at the university. Coming to StG’s from quite a traditional church back at home was something of a culture shock for the first few weeks.

How do you know Jesus? I grew up attending church every week with my Mum. When I reached 11 I joined the youth group mainly as a social venture. It was through attending a Ventures summer camp at the age of 13 that I first made the conscious decision to commit my life to Jesus and spent the next few years going to  weekly bible studies and being mentored by my youth worker, allowing me to learn more about who God is and how that could practically influence the way I lived.

What is your role? I get to work with teenagers in our Youth Network Roots. We run 3 weekly groups; Friday nights, Sunday mornings and recently we’ve started a Wednesday evening group to cater for our 14-18s. I am also fortunate enough to be able to help out at a weekly homework club in Cottingley.

Where have you seen God working? God has been doing some amazing things at Roots and we’re seeing some real growth in our young people which is a massive encouragement! Just before Christmas, we started a new Wednesday evening group for our older teens allowing them to ask questions they may have and provide time to get into real depth in reading the bible. We’ve seen real growth in this area, particularly since the New Year started, and we currently have 5 young people meeting every week to read the bible together for an hour in a cafe in Horsforth.

We have also just finished our Roots ‘Weekend At Home’ which proved to be a massive encouragement. We saw the young people meeting with God in incredible ways and there was a real sense of community and fun building across the weekend.

The weekend ended with the 10.30 gathering led by the young people of Roots. They loved the opportunity to serve their wider church family and it was a huge encouragement to see our them step up successfully to the challenge of leading the morning congregation in worship and prayer.

How can St G’s pray for you? It would be great to see the whole church praying for continued growth in Roots and further opportunities to allow our young people the space to really encounter God and have that affecting their daily lives.

Personally, I’m just very thankful at the moment for all that God has been doing in providing opportunities for me to explore new things and challenging me by taking me out of my comfort zone. I would love to see more of that!

Find out about St George’s Internship and how to apply here.

St George’s Go Walking: Summer/13

“We thank God for a summer full of special memories.”


St George’s walking group has made the very most of the excellent summer weather this year enjoying beautiful walks in some beautiful dales.

July saw us sweltering in sizzling Skipton. We hiked over some hills, along a canal and round a castle. In some of the hottest temperatures of the year we were glad of an ice cream pit stop in Skipton town centre, even if the choice of flavours was a bit overwhelming; ever heard of snickers or candy floss ice cream?

In August we returned to lovely Grassington and 21 energetic souls walked a 12 mile route through Wharfedale enjoying good conversation and excellent views, as well as a good cup of tea at the end of the day.

summerwalking3September brought our annual weekend away. This year we went to the Derbyshire dales and enjoyed 2 walks: a 14 mile hike from Edale and along Mam Tor – a rather unexpected problem of dodging the para-gliders on Mam Tor – and then an 8 mile walk through Millers dale to Monsal head. We stayed in Eyam youth hostel and enjoyed sharing a meal together at a local pub on Saturday evening.

We thank God for a summer full of special memories.  The views over sunny dales, the breeze through high trees and long grass. Making new friends and catching up with old ones. Stretching the legs, and sometimes pulling a few muscles, as well as the unsurpassed pleasure of a cup of tea at the end of a long hike!


We look forward to what God has in store for us this Autumn. Our next walk will be on 12 October. If you’d like to join us please contact Lindsey Pallant or Alison Oldfield.

Visit our website for more details on Walking Group.

Holiday at Home

holiday at homeMillie

Millie Robinson reflects on Holiday at Home, 10 – 12 July at Wrangthorn.

Monthly Tea and Cake socials built up to the ‘Holiday at Home’.  The 3 day event involved lots of exciting crafts and workshops, including lace making, cake decorating, making paper flowers, dancing and a quiz! As the first event of its kind, it was quite small, with the busiest day being Thursday with 8 guests, but with a mix of people from Wrangthorn, St George’s, Community Church and a few friends too, there was a lovely atmosphere each day, and new friendships were made.

“It was amazing to see the relationships formed between the interns on team and the guests, and to bridge the social gaps of age that so often occur in the church.”


The event was planned and led by several of the St George’s interns, and has been a very exciting venture for them, with lots to learn along the way. It was amazing to see the relationships formed between the interns on team and the guests, and to bridge the social gaps of age that so often occur in the church. It was a privilege to hear stories of people’s lives and history, and share our hopes for the future, as well as have a lot of fun and a lot of cake!

“We know that God will have been at work this week, through the new relationships formed, old relationships that have been strengthened, and just the time spent together as a community.”


We know that God will have been at work this week, through the new relationships formed, old relationships that have been strengthened, and just the time spent together as a community. We pray that God will continue to be at work in the lives of everyone who attended, and that He would be preparing the way for more events of this kind in the future.

elderly flyer1