“…feeling stronger in my faith, and more motivated than ever to live it out.”

ChrisBChris Balding, Assistant Student Pastor, shares some of the highlights from the student ministry.

I am hearing students tell stories of how God is working in and through them to see gospel freedom develop. One student told me how he started reading the Bible with one of his non-Christian house mates, who has now become a Christian. I hear about students meeting together in accountability groups, to challenge and pray for each other and how they are getting involved in the youth, children’s and Lighthouse teams, playing key roles in the life of the Church.

We’ve had an incredible month in the student ministry; there have been 2 different Christian Union events weeks, a Weekend Away and an Art Exhibition! We’ve impacted over 500 students in different ways in different situations.

We’ve supported the events weeks at the Universities as much as we can, sending Dan and I to speak at various events. Leeds Beckett CU gathered thirty people for a meal and a message as well as a pub quiz where Dan spoke on ‘What is true love?’. Leeds Beckett CU President said:

“We really appreciate the support of the St G’s student team in planning and running events.”

It’s great to be able to assist students in reaching their peers and doing mission on campus.

We took over 70 students away for a weekend to the Dales in February. We had some great teaching on the Sermon on the Mount, dug deeper into the bible and built community. John, one of our students commented:

“I came back feeling stronger in my faith, and more motivated than ever to live it out.”

The highlight of the month has definitely been the Art Exhibition, run by the Leeds College of Art CU, hosted here at St George’s. It was the most incredible opportunity to invite a whole bunch of people who might never step into church and welcome them inside the building; many comments were made about how it’s such a welcoming place. Over the 4 days we saw about 400 people come through the doors, including about a quarter of all the students at the art college. Lucy, the LCA CU president said:

“St G’s plays a massive role in helping us to do mission. It provides support that means we’re able to do bigger things, and it feels less scary to know that there are people praying for us and cheering us on.”

Pray for the new generation of leaders in the CUs as the committees hand over later this year. Pray for the new set of leaders in Networks as we make plans for the next year. Pray that we can extend our influence in the student community in Leeds to reach more people and make disciples.

Connect with Students at St George’s on Facebook.

Student Networks: Reaching Out & Retreat

Dave, Rachel and Cecilia, serving as interns on the Students’ team this year share stories of God at work through our Networks. Juliet and Kirsten, two students, also share stories of God at work in their lives and through the student community.

“Students are living for Jesus on campus, on their courses and in their accommodation.”

dave casey[Dave] Working with the students at St G’s is such an immense privilege; they are a great bunch and certainly keep my work interesting! They think they are just normal, everyday people muddling through, but God uses them so greatly right where they are; seeing him move amongst them is endlessly encouraging.

How are students reaching out? [Dave] It’s great to see students setting up CUs in the Art College and College of Music, running associated alpha courses and giving individuals the opportunity to wrestle with the questions surrounding Christianity. Students are living for Jesus on campus, on their courses and in their accommodation.

[Juliet] CU events week is a period of intensive mission on campus. One thing that really stood out to me this year was the sense of a deep, loving community in the Morning Prayer meetings that went beyond people just ‘getting along with each other’. This meant that the tent we used during the day was a place of open community; we were joined by around 20 Muslims from the ‘Discover Islam Week’ events.  This was where people joined in and built new friendships.

[Juliet] Thursday evening stood out to me as well, and not just because the St G’s Students’ team cooked us a great meal! One particular girl, who had never been to church before, had come along to a previous night and decided that she loved it so much that she brought 12 other people with her that night. My housemate also came to this night and as a result she said she wants to get to know Jesus and begin to trust him. None of this could have happened without St G’s serving us; whether that be through food; sharing wisdom or letting us use their music equipment at the last minute.

rachel walleyWhat has God been doing in Central Network? [Rachel] God is bringing students together to become one community that encourages each other; He has blessed us to be able to support each other through our times at university, with all of the struggles that life brings. We have a real mix of students from all the different colleges around Leeds. Some students also coming to St G’s for the first time this year, and it’s been really exciting to welcome them and bond as a community.

[Rachel] God has been blessing the various CUs in Leeds through Central Network. We’ve been able to prayerfully support them, especially Leeds College of Art which was recently set up by a couple of students from our Network and recently got official recognition by the Student Union.

Lucy Freeman tweeted; ‘Leeds College of art CU is now official! And we’re a little bit excited! This year is going to be awesome.’

[Rachel] We’ve also been able to support CUs by attending events as a Network, including the Leeds University events week.


Cecilia sunTell us about the weekend away… [Cecilia] The Student weekend away in The Jonas Centre, Wensleydale refreshed and energized me massively through the talks on the book of Revelation, sung worship and bible studies. Spending time alone with God, away from the crowds, provided a great opportunity to just listen to Him and enjoy his presence.

[Kirsten] Dan Tyler delivered 4 talks looking at the book of Revelation, helping us to understand the true meaning of the scriptures and the significance they have in our lives because of the hope that Jesus brings. The talks revealed that by looking at the bigger picture of the scriptures, God gives us a promised blessing.

“Throughout the weekend we were constantly reminded of how big and great God is beyond our comprehension.”

[Kirsten] On Saturday 4 different seminar options were available, helping us to grow deeper and further in our relationship with God. In the afternoon we took the opportunity to explore God’s wonderfully made creation together as we took time out from city life in Leeds and went for a countryside walk in the Dales. Throughout the weekend we were constantly reminded of how big and great God is beyond our comprehension.

What were the highlights? [Kirsten] On Sunday afternoon we spent time in deep worship together, singing praises of His greatness before gathering in small groups to pray and prophesy over each other in a powerful way, listening to what God wanted to say to us. After an amazing weekend together we are feeling refreshed and ready to serve our amazing God.

“After an amazing weekend together we are feeling refreshed and ready to serve our amazing God.”


Where was God at work? [Cecilia] It was the first time for some international students, who are seeking God, to experience a Christian retreat. I strongly felt God called them to be there and opened their hearts. We were all so willing to share the amazing work God has been doing in our lives as Christians and were able to talk honestly, encouraging each other to learn more about Jesus.

“Seeing God at work was such an encouragement to me and strengthened my faith in serving Him.”

[Cecilia] We prayed for each other about worries and concerns that we were carrying. One girl said: “I felt God answer my prayer, he helped me clean out all the worries in my head and I felt so relieved.” Another student told me she felt a seed of the Holy Spirit had been planted in her heart during the weekend. Seeing God at work was such an encouragement to me and strengthened my faith in serving Him.

What can StG’s pray? [Kirsten] It would be great if the family of St G’s could pray for the students this month, that we use our time well and become active disciples of Jesus in Leeds, with a close and personal relationship with Him.

[Juliet] There are so many stories of God at work within our student community. Please pray that our conversations, prayers and bible studies with our friends begin to move them from intrigue to falling in love with the person of Jesus.

Find out more about Students at StG’s on our website or follow us on twitter.

Students on a Mission

MillieMillie is one of the Student Team Interns this year, supporting the Hyde Park Network.  She updates us on the exciting things that are happening in the Student Networks and how God is working through those Networks.

Read Millie’s story here to find out how her internship is going and where God is working.


“We have seen students really find their place within the Church and form lasting relationships.” Student Intern

The strength of community within each network, and the students’ passion for mission, is really encouraging and inspiring.  Some amazing first years have, independently from our student work, started taking food out to the homeless and broken people of Leeds, and offering to talk and pray with the people they meet. (Read their story here)

God has provided massively for them in resources and faith, and it’s amazing to see such bold students taking initiative and seeking God’s Kingdom by Loving Leeds.

The Internationals Network in particular has seen amazing growth and some really exciting events. Every week they meet together at either an evening small group, where they study the Bible and pray together, or after church on Sunday for lunch, where they also receive teaching. They also have their own table at Alpha as there are 7 international students who go!

At the start of January they held a Chinese New Year party, where students and some of the wider church family gathered together to celebrate and learn about this Chinese
festival. Christian international students are really starting to grow in their faith here at St George’s and have expressed their gratitude for the resources they have been given.

“Network has been so helpful this year, such a building block and an incredible journey with some amazing people!” Hyde Park Network Student

Student Alpha

This term, we have started a small scale Alpha course in the homes of some of our students. It has been a challenge and a learning experience, but it has been exciting to see how many students are interested in hearing about Jesus.

At our small Alpha courses, we have had a total of about 20 people which is really exciting, and are now just trusting in God that he is working in each of their lives.

“My friend text me after our first session and said that he thought it was such a good idea to have the alpha course in someone’s home as it meant everyone felt comfortable to share and be honest.” Student Alpha Host

CU Mission Week

We had the privilege of helping the CU with their mission week at the start of February. The student team were there to support the CU in serving the student population in the well-known big white tent, where a free cafe is held, and also a free lunch, when guest speaker Adrian Holloway gave some answers to the ‘big questions’.

St George’s were also involved in providing food for one of the evening events, aimed at people who were really interested and wanted to find out more about the love of Jesus. The CU is doing a great job of being missional on campus, but the help of the wider church in Leeds is really important to help their events happen.

They had a really good response from the students on campus after mission week, with a lot of people showing interest in becoming part of the CU or joining the follow up course to find out more.


What can St George’s pray?

As a Student team we are trying to work out how best to do mission and how to love and serve students in Leeds. We would really love for God to guide us as we seek Him and keep trying out different events and ideas of how to share the good news with young adults.

At Wrangthorn, we are working to make the congregation feel valued and confident in their faith, and see how we can best support and serve them.

To find out more about Networks at St George’s at our website.
