April/14: Pray for

Points to pray for this month…

Networks to be creative in preparing for June Mission.

The Marriage Course in April – June, for the right people to come and find support and encouragement. Pray also for Mark and Kathryn Harlow as they plan and lead.

Romania Mission Team who are potentially 21 strong from 6 churches across Leeds. Pray that they are able to confirm final numbers and
proceed with bookings smoothly. Pray that they gel well as a team and the 6 new members feel welcomed. Pray also for Ann Weir as she
leads the team on Mission, planning and preparing.

Annual Church Meeting on 22 April, for the new Church Wardens, PCC and Deanery Synod elections, that the right people will be appointed.

General Election in May, for the most important issues to be well
debated and a new government who will serve our whole nation well.


“…through Jesus Christ we can be.”

MarkHWe find ourselves in the middle of Lent, a time of waiting and reflection looking towards the Victory of God achieved in Jesus Christ. The 10:30 gathering continues to look at ‘Dust’, exploring our human frailty and need for God, whilst the 18:30 gathering looks at ‘Holy Yours’, exploring our call to holy living in 1 Corinthians. We wait, acknowledging that we are not all we should be but through Jesus Christ we can be.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”  John 16:33

Jesus has overcome the world; all of it! He can transform lives and we have heard and seen the stories of it in the 16 people that were baptised on 8th March. We just need to believe in Him. But he does not say that we will be without trouble as this life will have its challenges.

From 29th April, Kathryn (my wife) and I will be running The Marriage Course; 7 dates for married couples wishing to build a strong, lasting relationship. Marriage has its challenges but as part of God’s plan for life on earth, it is important that we support it and help married couples be all they can be for the good of the whole community. If you are married yourself, come on the course to improve your marriage or invite married friends along. It is by no means only for Christians.

I had the privilege, along with other leaders, of going away with 10 children from the Children’s ministry to Marrick Priory earlier in February. You can read about all that they got up to along with the student weekend in  this month’s St G’s LIFE. God is at work in every part of our church.


June/13: Pray for

Points to pray for this month…

Men and Women to have fantastic Weekends Away! Pray they take the opportunity to get to know each other better.

The New PCC, to gel as a team, and the development of a new Mission Action Plan.  Pray that God will guide us.

On Friday morning, Amy Davenport died peacefully with her family around her. Pray for Matt Small and the family.

Pray for all those getting married this summer.

Roy McCloughry speaking on Disability on 16 June, that we would be ready for challenge and able to respond.