“…through Jesus Christ we can be.”

MarkHWe find ourselves in the middle of Lent, a time of waiting and reflection looking towards the Victory of God achieved in Jesus Christ. The 10:30 gathering continues to look at ‘Dust’, exploring our human frailty and need for God, whilst the 18:30 gathering looks at ‘Holy Yours’, exploring our call to holy living in 1 Corinthians. We wait, acknowledging that we are not all we should be but through Jesus Christ we can be.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”  John 16:33

Jesus has overcome the world; all of it! He can transform lives and we have heard and seen the stories of it in the 16 people that were baptised on 8th March. We just need to believe in Him. But he does not say that we will be without trouble as this life will have its challenges.

From 29th April, Kathryn (my wife) and I will be running The Marriage Course; 7 dates for married couples wishing to build a strong, lasting relationship. Marriage has its challenges but as part of God’s plan for life on earth, it is important that we support it and help married couples be all they can be for the good of the whole community. If you are married yourself, come on the course to improve your marriage or invite married friends along. It is by no means only for Christians.

I had the privilege, along with other leaders, of going away with 10 children from the Children’s ministry to Marrick Priory earlier in February. You can read about all that they got up to along with the student weekend in  this month’s St G’s LIFE. God is at work in every part of our church.


“The Great Commission is not an option”

JonThe church, and every disciple, has the task and privilege of proclaiming afresh the Good News of Jesus to the generation of which it is part. As Hudson Taylor, the pioneering missionary to China said in reference to Matthew 28:16-20, “The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed.”

As we look back over the last months we have seen people to come to faith and be baptised. Each one was told the Good News of Jesus by someone else, some directly from a friend and others through an invitation to a church event.

As we move into the summer term, let us continue to look for ways to share the Gospel and make disciples; whether this is through church events, Networks, the work place or family and friendship groups. Thankfully, although this task can be daunting, we have been promised by Jesus that he will be with us and that the Holy Spirit will give us the words to say. Let’s also remember those from our congregation who will be seeking to share the Gospel through Summer mission trips which include trips to Romania, Africa and beyond.

In the Lighthouse Network we have literally seen people give up heroin for Jesus! Please continue to pray for these new disciples and for others to turnaway from addiction, crime and homelessness, and toward Jesus. Find out more about Lighthouse and receive updates by filling out a Contact Card.

The Alpha course is running after Easter and this is a great opportunity for us to play our part and join the team, invite friends or pray. Over 8 weeks Alpha guests will be able to explore the Christian faith and ask their questions in a context of welcome and hospitality. Fill out a Contact Card if you want to join the team or find out more.

Let’s pray that the Lord will continue to send out labourers into the fields which are ripe for harvest.


April/14: Pray for

Points to pray for this month:

Holy Week & Easter
That at StG’s we would be drawn close to Jesus, in his sacrifice and in his exaltation.
Good Friday Walk of Witness. There is a growing momentum for Leeds churches to stand and work together; pray for people to catch the vision and join in.

Jazz Night
For those who are invited by friends will come and be encouraged to explore faith.

Summer Alpha Course
For those that come to Jazz Night will feel encouraged to continue finding out more and exploring faith, and people would know Jesus for themselves.

That the right people to be chosen for positions of responsibility.


Children Exploring Lent

Jenny Roberts, our childrens’ pastor shares stories of God at work through the Explorers Network over the Lent season.

“We are so excited that 8 children have said ‘yes’ to Jesus.”

Over the past half term we have looked at the events of Holy Week in Explorers 5-11. We’ve looked at Palm Sunday, The Last Supper and Gethsemane, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Our vision was to take the children on a journey of the highs and lows of the week, emphasizing the different feel of Good Friday to the atmosphere of Easter Sunday.

“The spirit of God is always present of course, but He was so tangible in that moment.”

photo (1)We have used the film the Miracle Maker to support our teaching throughout the term. The week we watched the crucifixion video, the children of all ages were gripped; you could have heard a pin drop in the room.

photoEmma then explained the Gospel message, how Jesus wants to know us all personally as friends and that we are all able to ask Jesus into our lives. We gave the children space to ‘sun bathe’ in the Holy Spirit and Dan sang a worship song over them. The spirit of God is always present of course, but He was so tangible in that moment. Toward the end I said a prayer which if the children wanted to, they could say in their heads and ask Jesus into their lives. 8 children did this which was so exciting! It was a privilege as leaders to pray and chat with these children and share the good news with their parents at the end.

“It is a joy to join in with what God is doing.”

It is a joy to join in with what God is doing. We try hard to model to the children what it means to follow Christ, how He speaks and we listen. Children can and do hear from God and God can use them to speak to us.

We have really enjoyed this past half term and are so excited that 8 children have said ‘yes’ to Jesus. We are finishing the topic this Sunday with some crafts and although there will be no formal teaching, it is often over activities in conversation where you find the children share more of what they think about God and where relationships are deepened.

Please pray for Explorers over the Easter season that they will know the love of Jesus and be able to share their understanding of the story with friends and family. Our challenge as leaders, families and the church is to continue to disciple the children so they grow deeper in faith, so please pray for our Explorers leaders and parents.

Find out more about Explorers Network on our website.

“We live in the reality of the resurrection”

JoannaThis month sees the start of Lent, a time when we prepare ourselves to celebrate the feast of Easter. It’s a time of seeking forgiveness, and through self discipline, prayer and bible study, drawing closer to God. It’s also often a time when people choose to give up something to make more space for God. But some would argue that as post-resurrection people we live in the joy each day so we shouldn’t go around in sack cloth and ashes but rather celebrate the gift of new life in Christ.

We do live in the reality of the resurrection but there is a time for godly sorrow which is not about self pity, but rather how we long for it to be both in our lives and in the world around  us. We grieve together over loss, over sin and the brokenness of our world. But there is time too for godly joy; in midst of pain and brokenness we can know the resurrection power and presence of the living Lord Jesus.

As we allow ourselves to enter into the journey of Lent so may we reach Easter with a greater awareness of our need for Jesus; may the truth of his defeat of sin and death give us even greater joy.

Over Lent we are encouraging people to take one of the ‘Together in Mission’ Leeds Lent Prayer Diaries highlighting numerous projects taking place around our city. This will help us to pray in a more informed way for our city that we are called to love and share the
resurrection life of Christ with.

Have a joy-filled lent.


Week 8: Courage

Luke 22 & 23

Palm Sunday we remember Jesus the King of Kings, showing immense courage as hearing the voice of the Father he sets his face towards Jerusalem.

In this holy week take time to read through the story of the events leading up to Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

Almighty God, whose most dear Son went not up to joy but first he suffered pain, and entered not into glory before he was crucified: mercifully grant that we,  walking in the way of the cross, may find it none other than the way of life and peace; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.


Week 7: Obedience

1 Samuel 9 v 15 – 10 v 1

Samuel was unhappy that the people wanted a king but he obeyed God’s instructions to go and anoint Saul.

Are there things at this point in time you feel God is asking you to do? Are you being obedient in the things God is asking you to do?

Pray for those whose obedience to the voice of God is causing them to face persecution.

Resources available at csw.org.uk

Week 5: Confession

1 Samuel 7 v 1 – 17

What things get in the way of us hearing the voice of God?
Are their sins we need to confess?  Idols we need to topple?

Are there markers we need to place to remind ourselves of how God has spoken and acted in the past?

Spend time confessing what gets in the way of you hearing God’s voice each day. 

We have not loved you with our whole heart. We have not loved our neighbours as ourselves.  In your mercy forgive what we have been, help us to amend what we are, and direct what we shall be; that we may do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with you, our God.


Week 4: Recognising

1 Samuel 3 v 1 – 4 v 1

How did you first recognise the voice of God?
Are you willing to say “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening” whatever the cost?
Are you spending time in a place where God can speak to you?
When have you heard God’s voice?

Pray each day this week, the words of Samuel, “Speak Lord for your servant is listening.”  And then take time to listen.

Week 3: Comfort

1 Samuel 1 – 18

After pouring out her heart before God, Hannah was no longer downcast.

When have you heard God speak comfort to you? How does he speak comfort? What stops us seeking God in times of difficulty? Are we as abandoned in prayer as Hannah was or do we hold back?

Who are we called to be abandoned in prayer on behalf of this week?

Pray for all those this week who need to hear the voice of God’s comfort.